Puppy Sleeps Through the Night–-Seriously

I told you I'd keep you posted about how the night went with little Harper the foster dog. She slept all night long. Started out in Charli's room snuggled up with her and halfway through the night Charli brought her to my bed because, "She's not breathing right, Mom." Turns out she was just dreaming like dogs do. Once she got to my room she snuggled right back down to sleep and didn't budge until I got up this morning. No exorcisms needed. NO potty accidents in the house today either. As far as puppies go, this is a perfect one. I asked Charli if she wanted to keep Harper, and she said,"No, puppies are a little too much for me." Meaning--"I really don't like having to watch her constantly and take her outside to go potty every 45 minutes." Her heart is now set on a chocolate lab. Maybe it's because of the word "chocolate"-- and who can resist that?!

If you're in the SoCal area and looking for an awesome puppy, she's the one. If you're interested, let me know and I'll hook you up.

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