Flubber and the Christian Life May 2013

Yesterday I watched some kids play with this homemade magic stuff called flubber (google Flubber Recipe to try it at home!). They squished it, rolled it, patted it, stretched it, poked it. Then someone suggested, "Just let it sit in your hands and see what happens." It was all these kids could do to sit still and let the flubber just BE in their hands. Just when I thought they wouldn't be able to sit still a moment longer, it happened. The sort of fixed shape it had maintained while being manipulated and moved around melted into the shape of these motionless, open hands and began to ooze through their fingers. I thought--what a metaphor for life.

In the Christian life, our goal is to be molded and shaped into the likeness of Christ. I find myself in such constant motion that I forget to just be still in the hands of my Creator. When I finally settle myself down and sit with Him, my soul is molded into His image. My rigidness begins to soften and I take on the shape of His compassion and grace. And the oozing part? When my heart is at peace and I am fully aware of Christ's presence and love in my life, it oozes out to others. 

Metaphors involving God can only go so far. They break down at some point. So don't overanalyze. Just whip up a batch of flubber and see what you might learn for yourself.



Just Plane Fun...or NOT Nov. 2013

Nothing Profound April 2013