Mother's Day Thoughts May 2013

Today the prevalent greeting is, "Happy Mother's Day!" I don't want to be Debbie Downer--wawaahh, but I know the reality is that today is a day characterized by a myriad of feelings. My mom died when I was 18, and for years afterward, Mother's Day was a day I dreaded. Now the pain isn't so tangible, but I still miss being able to hug my incredible mom on Mother's Day. There are lots of us who are missing our moms today. For the mom who expected to be holding a new baby today and instead is still reeling from the loss of her precious infant, this day is a reminder of that pain. For the single mom who never expected to be doing this alone, today may be a reminder of the weight of responsibility resting solely on her shoulders. For the young woman who has tried everything to become pregnant yet has never heard the good news she is longing for, feelings of anger and disappointment may color her day today.

For the mom who prays each day for her children to come home--to the family, to their faith, to who God intends them to be--today will find her on her knees perhaps for a bit longer than usual. For the mom who feels her life has been a series of poor choices that have wrought pain on her children, today is a mirror that reflects regret. For the mom who is fighting to conquer an illness in her body so that she can enjoy another day, another year, with her children, today may bring moments of deep fear followed by moments of immense appreciation for THIS hug, this rendition of Green Eggs and Ham, THIS opportunity to wipe a runny nose, THIS chance to watch Cars II--AGAIN!

And there are the moms for whom today is simply happy. The little ones are scurrying about the kitchen to cook up the breakfast of of breakfasts for mommy. Or maybe her grown children have all promised to land in one spot for Mother's Day lunch, and she will be surrounded by the people in her life who matter the most. Or perhaps she has declared--as I have--that she will be sleeping in, going shopping, having brunch at a favorite restaurant with a good book in hand, and returning home at the end of the day where she expects to be greeted by the hugs of the entire family and fed a wonderful homemade dinner--the mess of which is to be cleaned up by said family.

Today, wherever you are in your journey, whatever your experience and feelings, know that there is a God who is WITH you. He weaps with you, laughs with you, and is your greatest advocate. Find your deepest joy in this reality.

Something Struck Me Today... June 2013

In Memory of Dallas Willard May 2013