Breaking Bad, Healing Good

Breaking Bad, Healing Good

No pain meds today at all! Throbbing but not too much to handle. But I’m thinking there may be a pharmaceutical ingestion in my immediate future, probably right before bed. The nerve block is all worn off now, so I’m feelin’ it all.

Got some work done today on my computer, but the greater accomplishment — I finished Breaking Bad tonight! It took me several episodes to get into it, but because of its critical acclaim, I stuck with it. It’s definitely graphic and intense, but the character development and writing is genius. If you’d told me someone could weave a semi-believable, engaging story about a high school chemistry teacher who stumbles into a lucrative meth cooking business, I never would have bought it. Here’s the moral of Breaking Bad — if you are a really skilled meth cook, don’t let word get out. You’ll be pigeon-holed for life.

While watching the last few uber-intense episodes, I decided to be creative and do some coloring. Chip laughed. I was watching people get shot left and right while cheerfully coloring my groovy snails.

So another day on the couch comes to a close. I’m doing fairly well with not being up and about for the time being. Only because I know the end goal is that after healing, I can get back to all the things I love doing, but without the nagging pain. I’ve heard the healing time from bunionotomy is slow and lengthy, at least to full recovery — no swelling or soreness and return to full activity. I’m trying hard to patiently settle into that reality.

God, you are brilliant. Thank you for creating our bodies with the miraculous ability to heal. Even now, my bone is doing the work of mending itself. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Amen.

Ice, Ice Baby

Ice, Ice Baby

The Foot Situation

The Foot Situation