How Could I Forget?!!!

How Could I Forget?!!!

I had no clue I was forgetting to celebrate International Mole Day yesterday. How did that one slip past me?!!! I wouldn’t have even remembered had I not received a text this morning from Faith, one of Chandler’s friends.

I meant to text you yesterday but the whirlwind of midterms was a doozy. Yesterday was International Mole Day! No, not the beauty mark, not the double agent, and not the cute little fuzzy animal…Mole Day is a chemistry holiday celebrating Avogadro’s number (6.02x10^23). The day I turned 18, I got this number tattooed across my feet. People often asked about it, and when I explained its meaning to them, they gave me the “oh…cool…” Chandler, on the other hand, insisted that I teach him everything about Avogadro and give him a full-blown chemistry lesson after seeing it. He was always doing that whenever I came home from college for the holidays.

It made my day to read this. Chandler was always full of curiosity. And he cared about the things his friends cared about. You love chemistry? I want to hear about it.

Faith, thank you for the reminder. Next year I will not forget to throw my epic annual International Mole Day shindig.

And thank you for bringing a smile to my face today. It makes me happy to hear stories about Chandler. To know that he is remembered. Especially on International Mole Day.

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