Even in the Dark

Even in the Dark

“Dark” seems to be one of the words I reach for first when trying to express what this is right now.

After reading yesterday’s blog post, Chandler’s Grandma Shari told me about a recent conversation with Aunt Cho (her daughter) about “dark.”

Aunt Cho used to fly the U2. That’s not a metaphor for being a groupie with Bono and the band. She literally flew the U2 spy plane. When she looked at the moon she was reminded that it had no light of its own . . . it can only reflect the light of the sun.

Later Aunt Cho flew for United airlines. She often flew over the Hudson River at night. It was an inky black space among the lights of NYC. But when there was moonlight, it was reflected off the water of the river. In the words of Aunt Cho, "Even the dark can reflect the light."

Even the dark.

John 1:5 The light shines in the dark and the darkness does not overcome it.

Today’s Chandler-ness:
6/3/98 - I found a miniature leather jacket you guys won at Treasure Island in the plastic bag of grated cheese in the refrigerator. I had a hunch that was your doing. Sure enough, I asked why you did that and you replied, “Just cuz I wanted to.”



I Wonder

I Wonder