Best of Santa Fe

Best of Santa Fe

Today we all went to an incredibly creative museum experience in Santa Fe called Meow Wolf, a sensory playground comprised of every form of art imaginable. You can either enjoy the experience for what it is, or you can delve deeper and solve the mystery at hand. I had big ambitions to find all the clues and solve the mystery. Within minutes of crawling through the fireplace and finding myself on the other side in the realm of another planet, I was overwhelmed and decided it wasn’t in my skillset to identify and synthesize the hundreds of clues at every turn to solve the mystery. I decided to just have fun. I proceeded to climb and crawl and bang and listen and play and read. I observed some clues along the way but could not, as my kinfolk in Texas would say, “put heads ner tails” together. Chance and Charli, on the other hand, found several clues and started putting them together to form a coherent story. Chip and I consoled ourselves with the notion that we have other gifts.

For lunch, we had pizza — four different kinds! Meat, green chile, veggie, and smoked duck, each unique and delicious!

It’s a good thing we walked around Santa Fe Plaza all afternoon. Between the pizza and all the pastries and sweets we garnered at the bakeries and shops surrounding the plaza, I’m certain we each doubled the amount of calories and sugar we would normally consume in a week. Let me say, the Señor Murphy’s green chile chocolate caramel sets the bar for most magnificent melt-in-your-mouth confectionary flavor combination ever.

Tonight we had dinner at Maria’s — more authentic northern New Mexican food. Can you say blue corn enchiladas with red chile sauce and a fried egg on top?

Santa Fe at Christmas is magical. Experiencing it with family….priceless.

About today’s picture: While Chance and Charli actually decorated the tree, Chandler used decorating as a ruse for getting to climb up the outside of the spiral staircase, a makeshift ladder to reach the top of the tree. I can’t say he put one single ornament up there, but he did get pretty high up on the stairs.

Today’s Chandler-ness:
(From Grandma Shari’s journal while taking care of the boys so Chip and I could traipse about London and Paris.)
November 1996 - I’ve sent Chase and Chance to the shower – major noise coming from the bathroom – sounds like three boys instead of two. The door is locked – I pound on it – a little voice says, “Chaith and Chanth did it.” I recognize that lisp. I can’t wait to see what “it” is.



Incompletely Complete

Incompletely Complete