All Shall Be Well

All Shall Be Well

There is no light here, we think. But we think wrong.

There is a light in us that only darkness itself can illuminate. It is the glowing calm that comes over us when we finally surrender to the ultimate truth of creation: that there is a God and we are not it….at that moment, spiritual vision illuminates all the rest of life. And it is that light that shines in the darkness. Sister Joan Chittister

Last night, I fell asleep with tears on my pillow.

Chip was asleep. Charli was downstairs doing homework. I was alone inside my own thoughts…thoughts of Chandler.

I prayed, “God, please hold my heart. It hurts so much. I need you. I cannot get through this without you.” I felt a sense of peace, a reassurance that all will be well.

This is the light that shines for me in the dark.

All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. Julian of Norwich.

(The picture today is the Facebook memory that popped up first thing this morning. This time five years ago, we were all visiting Grandpa Bill, my Daddy, in Texas and took him to watch the ponies run at Delta Downs. He gave us all money to place bets because he wanted us to enjoy the races. This was Chandler’s long-hair phase….way longer than mine and Charli’s put together. It doesn’t seem real that Daddy and Chandler now occupy the same dimension.)

Today’s Chandler-ness:
8/26/97 - Today we went to the beach at Newport with the Waymans. Chase kept saying, “I caught a wave, Mom!” You said on the way home, “I catched a wave in my hand and then let it go.”



Maybe Not So Christmas-y

Maybe Not So Christmas-y