Brothers Together

Brothers Together

It’s been a long day.

I went into the office for a bit, then did some errands. My foot hurt. so I tried to curtail how long I spent in each store, BUT — there’s Christmas stuff everywhere, and I love it, but I am horrible at making decisions about which few items to add to my modest collection of decorations that appear each Christmas. I did my best to decide and get out, but by the time I got home, it was time to turn around and go back to school for a board meeting. It’s always good to be with these people who care so deeply about our school and about each other. It was a late one though.

Long story short, I got home just a bit ago, put on my PJs, loaded the dishwasher, and sat down to write. I’m pooped.

I have an early morning tomorrow, so I don’t have the luxury of leisurely contemplation about what’s stirring in my soul that needs to show up on my screen.

SO, without further ado, here is…

Tonight’s Chandler-ness:
1/21/99 – Dad, I thought of a mission – Brothers together, with Jesus stuck together with them.

Christmas Flick

Christmas Flick

