Just a Really Good Day

Just a Really Good Day

Really good day today!

Our school’s PTP (Parent Teacher Partnership) was meeting this morning. I haven’t been to one of their regular meetings since December. So good to see this group of people in action planning fun things for our school. And, I’m not gonna lie, so good to get hugs and “welcome back”s. Every day I thank God for knowing better than I even know myself what I need right now and taking such good care of me.

After a busy day at work, I went to a reunion of my small group from a few years back. The six of us haven’t been all together in a long time. We got caught up on one another’s lives and chatted about everything from decorating to dog training and decided we should collectively run for office to solve all the political and social ills of our day. Then we decided we would just meet once a month to hang out and stay connected.

God knew that during this season, I needed my new normal to intersect in significant ways with my old normal.

Thank you, God, for this really good day.

Perfect Day....Almost

Perfect Day....Almost

All Together...Almost

All Together...Almost