For the First Time...

For the First Time...

Today was full of wonderful. And difficult.

This morning at church, I shared my Chandler story for the first time in a public forum. I anticipated being able to compartmentalize and get through it without a quivering voice and eyes filling with tears. I was able to do it, for the most part, at Chandler’s memorial. Surely I could do it this morning.

I was wrong.

As I said the words, it all became far too real. I was that person. That person who has this story to tell.

I don’t want this story. But it’s the one I’ve been given. And I will honor Chandler with it.

After I shared, I had the privilege of meeting another mom in this exclusive club. She lost her daughter five years ago. There is a special connection that happens in a hug between two moms whose hearts are broken in the same way.

Next on this beautiful day, Charli and I met Chase and Karen for a hike in Whiting Ranch. God used the most vivid colors to paint the landscape today — every vibrant shade of green you can imagine. And we were together. That means everything.

More adventure — we tried a NEW boba place, ShareTea. I stuck with my standard taro milk tea so I could compare it to other milk tea I’ve had. It measured up pretty well. Charli had red bean milk tea. Uh, thank you, but no. It tasted like soil. Fertile, healthy soil. But soil nevertheless,

We made another stop today that I will share about later this week. Suffice it to say, it was not an accident that we took this unexpected detour in the day’s plans.

We ended this very full day enjoying crazy good Italian food with Cholene and Ellen. Together. Everything.

Very full day. Very full heart.

Hippos, Flamingos and the Ring-Tailed Lemur

Hippos, Flamingos and the Ring-Tailed Lemur

Towels, Lamps, and other Meaningless Stuff

Towels, Lamps, and other Meaningless Stuff