Lesson on a Hike -- Thriving Despite

Lesson on a Hike -- Thriving Despite

Yesterday morning, I went on a hike with a couple of my Adventure Sisters. I can’t think of a better way to start my day.

The first great thing to report is that we saw NO rattlesnakes. I’ve heard they are really bad this year. As opposed to the years when they are really good. I know it’s their home and all, but I want them to stay in bed sleeping when I visit their home.

The second great thing to report is that nature is alive and well at Whiting Ranch. So many vibrant colors. Every shade of green you can imagine. Flowers in sunshine yellow, royal purple, and creamy white. Everywhere I looked, I encountered a God who loves color, shape, contour, and whimsy. Like the yucca plant standing tall above the ground, bursting with flowers on top, and adorning spikes on bottom to protect it from predators who might scavenge the flowers.

The third great thing to report is that the trees are thriving despite the presence of a bark beetle. Apparently, from what I understand, there is a bark beetle that has been wreaking havoc on the trees around here. But this year, as anyone from SoCal knows, there has been a lot of rain. And the abundance of water has helped the trees flourish even though the bark beetles haven’t gone away.

Pain, loss, hardship, grief — they are all present in life. They don’t go away. But we can thrive despite them.


We access the water that is available to us….

*God who is WITH us, loves us, hurts with us, comforts us and gives us strength and hope for each new day.

*Friends who encourage us, cry and laugh with us, clean out our refrigerators, paint our bathrooms, and listen — always listen.

*Good food that keeps us healthy and strong — and that we enjoy!

*Movement. Walking releases endorphins and helps alleviate stress and depression.

*Books. Or books on tape if you prefer! So many treasures to be uncovered. A wealth of wisdom, encouragement, inspiration.

The water is here for us. We can thrive. Despite…

Chandler, Look!!!

Chandler, Look!!!

Popcorn, Heat, and Grilled Meat

Popcorn, Heat, and Grilled Meat