And today's highlights...

And today's highlights...

Best moment of today….

My friend Tracey dropped by with a gift for me and a grin that said, “I know you’re gonna love this.”

I reached in the bag and pulled out this adorable wienie dog purse!!! I LOVE it! It just makes me happy. How can wienie dogs in any form not make you happy? My friend is a fellow wienie dog fan, and she knew this would make my day. I showed my real wienie dog, D’Marcus, when I got home. He wasn’t impressed. But he’s not much for fashion anyway. And he might be just a bit jealous.

I proudly showed off my new doxie bag tonight as I made my round of returns and more purchases, 3/4 of which will be on my returns list by the weekend. This is WHY I haven’t redecorated my house in 15 years people! This is what I become!

Also, I just bottled my second batch of home-brewed kombucha this afternoon! Strawberry basil and jalapeno cucumber. Yum, yum! Now I wait for a couple of days and then burp it. I don’t have to change its diaper though.

Other highlights - hugs from friends, dark chocolate and a bag of dried pineapple (thanks Wendy), great conversation with Chance, laughing with Chase and Karen about my OCDness while trying to load my 6th trial area rug into the car, finding a fabulous rug for my entryway for $19 at Ross, and watching TV with Charli.

Here’s the lowlight. Chandler isn’t here. I don’t mean that to be a downer. It just is what it is. If I’m being honest as I write about this journey, I have to say that for every moment of joy in a day, for every belly laugh, for every breath I take above the water, there is another moment when I’m below the surface fighting for air, trying to find my way out of the undertow.

Still. I’m grateful for the highlights of this day.

And I love my wienie dog purse.

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