Feet Up Kind of Day

Feet Up Kind of Day

Today was filled with all kinds of good.

Slept in. You know how I feel about that.

Went for a long walk with my friend Carole and enjoyed a Starbucks while strolling around the lake.

Lounged by the pool with icy cold Kyla — a new kombucha obsession of mine.

Watched Charli play soccer. Always a treat.

Went to a local restaurant on the lake and enjoyed the view over a scrumptious lunch.

Came home and kicked up our feet by the pool again.

For dinner, savored homemade Greek lemon chicken soup, farro salad, and jalapeno margaritas.

Ended the day with our feet up watching Green Book.

Mingled among all the wonderful moments were thoughts of Chandler, conversations about Chandler, and feelings of emptiness because he’s not here.

But all in all, I have to say, this was one of the more relaxing, peaceful, joy-filled days so far.

A feet up kind of day, for sure.

Popcorn, Heat, and Grilled Meat

Popcorn, Heat, and Grilled Meat

