Service, Soul Food, Ribs, and Rain Man

Service, Soul Food, Ribs, and Rain Man

This Memorial Day, I remember and honor all those who have served our country, and especially those who lost their lives in the line of duty. I don’t take for granted the freedoms I enjoy because of them. Thank you for your service.

This morning held a heaping helping of soul Adventure Sisters hike with an ocean view. Because of the rains, the hills were a canvas of greens, purples and yellows. At several spots along the trail, we enjoyed vistas of deep blue, shimmering with the ripples of endless waves. Two of Chandler’s favorite things — hiking and the ocean. I wore his hiking sweatshirt.

Looking out at the endless expanse of water, I was reminded that God is bigger. Bigger than ____________. Drop anything into that blank space and God is bigger. I am safe. My life is secure in the One who is bigger.

This afternoon, Chase and Karen came over for burgers and ribs. Chip is the best BBQer (is that a word?)! Can’t think of any way I’d rather spend an afternoon and evening than with this family God has blessed me with. They make me laugh. They make me think outside the box. They get what it’s like to ache because of one less person in a family group text. They are my best thing.

Tonight I discovered that one of my favorite all-time movies was on — Rain Man. It felt good to veg out on the couch and watch as Charlie Babbitt kidnapped his newly discovered brother Raymond out of suspect motives and throughout the following week-long cross-country road trip made meaningful connections with his brother via cheese balls, Judge Wapner, counting cards, and teaching Ray to dance. It gets me every time at the end when Raymond says, “C-H-A-R-L-I-E … main man.”

Beginning to end, today delivered all the good things.



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