Bakery Open

Bakery Open

Remember my “you can’t get bread from a hardware store” analogy from my Turning Point in Trust blog ? I’ve been really letting that sink in. It takes a while to establish a new habit of going to the bakery when your auto-pilot keeps driving to the hardware store. But I’ve been trying. Day by day. Hour by hour.

Today I clicked on my Pray As You Go app on my way to work. The scripture on the screen….”I am the bread of life (John 6:35).”

This was God meeting me, telling me He is right here with me, reassuring me that the bakery is always open and never runs out of bread. That the bread at the bakery is satisfying and life-giving.

Now, I’m not going to get into the nuances of this analogy, since it pretty much breaks down for those of us who are gluten-free. I’ll just say that, even if you are gluten-free, what is better than a soft, warm, fluffy slice of fresh bread from the oven? And beyond the appeal to the senses, historically bread has been a nutritional staple in many cultures. It provided the basis for energy and life.

That is what I need — energy and life.

Today I am reminded that in God alone I find my sustenance, my strength, my joy, my deepest sense of comfort and peace. He is the bread of life.

Thank you, God, for meeting me right where I am….at my deepest point of need. For giving me life and being my life. You always show up for me.

Birthday Lunch and BTS

Birthday Lunch and BTS