A Hip Coffee Shop and Psalm 23

A Hip Coffee Shop and Psalm 23

This morning started with sleeping in. That would be enough to characterize the entire day as GREAT! But then it got even better. I walked across the street from our hotel to a coffee shop called Mr. West and ordered an avocado toast and an iced chai tea latte. By way of explanation, avocado toast is a simple concoction consisting of bread and avocado for which, apparently, it is acceptable to charge almost $10.

While waiting in line, I saw that there were no empty seats in the place….except ONE. Right behind me, in a corner facing the street, was a single open seat. I sat down with my book and knew that spot at the table had been waiting just for me. The sun shone down on the pages of my latest read, The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman.

As I began to read Emily’s paraphrase of Psalm 23, I was moved with gratitude.

God is your Shepherd; he provides what you need. He invites you to lie down in green pastures. He leads you beside quiet waters. He restores your soul. He leads you in paths of righteousness for the sake of his own name. Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you don’t have to be afraid. He will provide comfort. He prepares a table for you and takes care of you…

I sat in my spot at the table prepared for me and basked in the warmth of God’s love and care. Every part of this psalm speaks to me now in ways it never did before. It is real to me. Every part of this psalm speaks to what my soul needs most.

Thank you, God, for preparing a place for me at the table this morning where I could soak in the sunshine, the wise words of a good book, and the reality of your constant love and care for me. Thank you!

Happy Day

Happy Day

Pizza & Ice Cream in Seattle

Pizza & Ice Cream in Seattle