Happy Birthday and Going to Church

Happy Birthday and Going to Church

Today began with a Happy Birthday kiss for my handsome husband. Then we walked downtown for, you guessed it, DOUGHNUTS! Not one doughnut place, but two! First, we went to Chip’s birthday pick, Top Pot Doughnuts, and then to the new place we found yesterday, Tempesta, where I got the Almond Joy doughnut I’d been fantasizing about since yesterday. It did not disappoint. Well, maybe just a tad bit — yesterday’s lemon glazed was still warm, so it got bonus points.

We dropped Chip off at the airport and headed to Wenatchee where Jay and Carole live. I get to spend some time with Carole for a few days, which always makes me a better human being.

On the way, we stopped at Snoqualmie Falls. So many vibrant shades of green and foliage of all shapes and sizes leading down to the spectacular waterfall. Aaagghhh…my happy place. This is where I feel closest to God. In the middle of His creation. What an artist He is to paint with so many textures and colors!

After the falls, we stopped for lunch. I kid you not, it was one of the best salads I’ve ever eaten — kale, peanuts, cabbage, red pepper, cilantro, jalapeno, chicken and a vinaigrette dressing.

Then we went to church. Well, that’s what it felt like to me. For the remaining hour-long drive, I gazed out the window at the towering verdant sanctuary surrounding me on both sides. Carole played some of the most beautiful worship music I’ve heard. My soul was full. Every word of every song was an affirmation that I am loved supremely by the One who created the breathtaking beauty I was blessed to bask in today.

At 9:30, we are going to see the movie Aladdin. I may need a doughnut to keep me awake.

Beauty in Each Scene

Beauty in Each Scene

Happy Day

Happy Day