The Ring

The Ring

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to buy myself a ring. I had no preconceived ideas about what the ring would look like, just what it would symbolize.

God is doing a deep work in my heart, and one of the central themes of this work is my learning that I can trust Him as my ultimate source—for practical needs, for unconditional love, for security, for joy, for peace, for grace, for wisdom, for a sense of centeredness.

My God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

That’s a pretty tall order to fill — I’ve never been in a season of more profound need. And, believe me, there’ve been some doozies.

What I have seen over and over is God showing up with exactly what I need in the moment. So what does it look like to trust Him as the source for every need I could ever have? Well, I don’t know because I’m in process. I may never arrive at that point fully in this lifetime.

Here’s one thing I am doing to practice trust rather than worry. When I wake up in the morning, I try to turn my first thought to a scripture or a song of worship or an inspirational saying like Let Go and Let God. That helps determine which channel will start playing in my head as I go about getting ready for the day. It’s easier to start off like that than to begin the day with anxious rumination and then try to change the channel.

Another thing …my new ring. I decided I wanted a ring that would serve as a constant reminder to me — everything you need is in God. I told my friend Carole about wanting to find such a ring, and she took me to a cute little shop in Wenatchee yesterday called Tumbleweed. After trying on several different rings, I felt drawn to one that was hand-made by husband/wife artists from Colorado featuring three bands, separated by two tiny stones. Three bands — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I love my new ring, a constant reminder of my God’s generous abundance.

Trust Me

Trust Me

Space to Thrive

Space to Thrive