One More Piece of Normal

One More Piece of Normal

Today I went back to the gym I’ve belonged to for 28 years, 24-Hour Fitness. I think it’s one of the best values around. In addition to the cardio and resistance machines and the grunt-filled weight room, they offer a huge variety of classes that keep up with whatever is on trend in the fitness world — spin, HIIT, yoga, row, etc. I love variety, so for 28 years, I’ve been an early adaptor to every type of workout they’ve come out with. As much as I love it, I haven’t wanted to go to a class there since, well, you know.

I haven’t really been able to put my finger on why I didn’t want to go back to the classes I’ve enjoyed for decades. But tonight, as I sat down to write, I think I uncovered the answer. That gym is a piece of history in my life that pre-dates Chandler’s birth. I actually rode a razor scooter to the 24-Hour Fitness in Irvine when I was pregnant with Chandler. Since July 2, 1991, every time I took a class at 24-Hour Fitness, I had a son on this earth named Chandler.

Until today.

It felt so good to be back. Familiar. Friendly. And hard! Body Pump today, sore glutes and shoulders tomorrow.

I think I’ve crossed another threshold to a piece of my old normal. Though nothing will ever be the same, I see glimmers of hope that old and new can commingle.

Many more thresholds to go.



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