They Keep Me Moving

They Keep Me Moving

When I was younger, like in my early 20s, I exercised because who wouldn’t want an excuse to get their jam on at aerobics class wearing Jane Fonda leotards with leg warmers and tights? By the time Chance, my second child, came along, I had a membership to Family Fitness (now 24-Hour Fitness) where I continued with aerobic classes (sans the disturbing thong leotard) as well as step class, kickboxing, and even some weight-lifting classes.

Along the way, I’ve exercised at home to videotapes (the things you stick in a VCR) including Buns of Steel, Billy Blanks’ Tae Bo, and Callanetics. Once the VCR was sufficiently full of credit cards, cheerios and other items deposited by my kids, we upgraded to a DVD player which has accommodated workouts including Max Insanity 30, P90X3, and Hip Hop Abs. Most recently, I’ve discovered the convenience of online programs like BeachBody on Demand and John Garey TV for Pilates.

I think I have always gravitated toward exercise because I saw my daddy do it all my life. — boxing, jumping jacks, weights, isometrics, stretches, walking. Until months before he died, my 94-year-old daddy was still lifting weights in his living room and doing quad extensions in his recliner. Chip used to say that even in his 90s, Daddy could still kick his butt.

Through the years, I have come to realize that moving my body isn’t just a good habit I learned from my daddy….it helps keep me sane. Not literally. Well, maybe.

Studies show that exercise can be effective in preventing and treating depression. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, chemicals that help promote positive feelings. I’m all for that. The physical health benefits of exercising comprises a whole long list all its own.

I just know that when I move my body — whether it’s a walk around the lake, a hot yoga session, a hike with friends, a few minutes on a rowing machine, or getting my groove on at a hip hop dance class — I feel better. I’ve always said, “The best exercise is the one you enjoy and will stick with.” For me, that means variety. Monotony is the kiss of death. So I do lots of different things.

Particularly during this season of my life, movement is a spiritual experience for me. When I move, I am reminded how grateful I am for my health and for opportunities to move in so many different ways in so many different contexts, including GOAT YOGA! And I am reminded of my son, in some ways defined by his seemingly effortless movement whether diving, biking, skateboarding, body surfing, dancing, or swinging a golf club.

Daddy, thank you for showing me from my earliest days to your last the joys of staying active. Chandler, your love for movement continues to inspire me to move. And my grieving heart knows that movement is part of my journey toward healing.

Today’s Chandlerness:
(Just turned three years old)
8-23-96 - Last week you jumped off the diving board and swam to the side.

9-21-96 - You went off the high dive twice today!

Foam, Little People, and Friends

Foam, Little People, and Friends

