All Fall Down

All Fall Down

Today a friend at work told me about a song that had meant a lot to him a few years ago. He had heard it during a pretty calm season in his family’s life, but a storm was approaching. He had no idea when he first heard it that this song was soon to bring him tremendous comfort and encouragement. It’s called We Fall Down, an oldie from 2000.

After work, I googled the song and listened to it. I will be listening again and again.

We fall down but we get up
We fall down but we get up
We fall down but we get up
For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up

Every one of us falls down. Some of us get knocked down. Hard. From out of nowhere.

The falling down does not define us. The getting up does. We don’t have to get up gracefully. Or quickly. Or even voluntarily. Sometimes people come around us and lift us up when everything in us says, “Just stay down.”

Something about the getting up makes us stronger. Our compassion runs deeper. Our capacity for grace reaches further.

By your grace, dear Lord, I will keep getting up. Amen.

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