Not About to Sink

Not About to Sink

This morning’s devotional on my Pray As You Go app was from Matthew 14:22-33.

As the story goes, Jesus walked on water to get to his disciples who were in a boat on a lake. The disciples were frightened and thought it might be a ghost. Peter said, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” I’m not sure why seeing Jesus walking on water would not have been all the proof Peter needed that this guy was legit, but I’m not judging. Jesus told Peter to come to Him. Peter did it. He got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But then he looked around and saw the wind, got scared, and began to sink. He called out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus caught him and said, “You of little faith….why did you doubt?”

I can relate to so many elements of this story. I’ve seen God at work and asked for proof that it’s Him. I’ve stayed in the boat, and I’ve gotten out of the boat. I’ve walked on water, and I’ve sunk. In this season, the part I relate most to is…”Lord, save me!”

There are moments I feel like I’m getting sucked under. Sometimes I thrash about trying to keep myself afloat. But most of the time, my immediate gut-level response is to cry out…

Lord, save me!

Jesus, I need you!

God, I can’t do this without you!

He always pulls me up. Through a sense of peace or strength or assurance. Through a text from a friend. Through a devotional on my Pray as You Go app. Through a song someone sends me to listen to. Through a book given to me by a fellow mourner who shares my pain. Through a hug.

God, when I begin to sink, please let me always remember where my help comes from. Let my first inclination be to cry out to you and trust you to pull me up. Amen.

Tonight’s Chandler-ness:
3-5-97 - You stood on the porch naked with a baseball cap and guitar around your neck singing, “Jesus is still alright with me.”



