Chan Man

Chan Man

Love the new Chan Man sign someone added to the bike memorial! And fresh, bright yellow flowers! Thank you!!!

I’m not sure where the nickname Chan Man came from originally. Even from birth, Chandler’s persona embodied the modern sentiment, “You da man.” His bravado far surpassed his physical size, and nothing deterred him from going after what he wanted — like jumping off a high dive at three, flipping backward on his bike, flying off a skateboard ramp, body surfing at the Wedge, or backflipping off a bridge.

A lot of his friends call him Chan Man. I proudly accept their moniker for me “Mama Chan.”

I began to call him Chandler Man from an early age. He used to sign cards to me — “Love, Your Chandler Man.” It just seemed the most natural thing in the world to deem him Chandler Man. Just plain “Chandler” didn’t capture enough.

A bit of Chandler-ness from Chan Man:
4-1-98 You came to me at bedtime and said, “Mom, I’m going to brush my teeth ‘cuz I love you and I don’t want to get holes in my teeth before I marry you.”

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Glorious and Excruciating

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