Lowering the Bar

Lowering the Bar

I have successfully lowered the bar to an unprecedented level.

In times past, I would get all dressed up to go out – high heels, full makeup, and an outfit labeled “delicate cycle” rather than my usual wash-and-wear workout attire or sensible work ensemble. I can always count on Chip’s eyes to light up and to hear something akin to, “You look beautiful!”

Today, a month into COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, he walked into the kitchen and saw me. His eyes lit up, and he remarked, “Wow! You look pretty!” I had showered. That’s it.

Maybe it’s the shirt that got him. I opted for a blue-and-white striped top with a v-neck rather than one of my three plush, polar-bear shaped sweatshirts that have become staples in my collection of quarantine uniforms.

Or maybe it’s my hair. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to cut myself some pandemic bangs. Not one of my better ideas. So, of course, I decided to take it a step further.

I searched the internet in vain for a Flowbee, a gadget that attaches to the end of your vacuum cleaner, sucks your hair up, and cuts it in perfectly even layers. Don’t judge just because a vacuum cleaner is involved. They are sold out everywhere!

Plan B: I watched a few haircut tutorials and thought, “How hard could it be?”

I began picking up random sections of hair, attempting to mimic the various techniques demonstrated by the professionals in the videos. Guess what? It really does make a difference if you snip the 90-degree angle where the 45-degree angle should be. And how the heck are you supposed to keep the back even with the front? Ultimately, I just started making random snips here and there, figuring it could only get better. I was wrong.

For whatever reason, this morning Chip’s eyes lit up. That makes me happy. It makes me happy that I was able to sit with Chance this afternoon and have a conversation that made me think and laugh. It makes me happy that Charli and I went for a two-and-a-half-mile walk around a beautiful lake as the sun was about to set.

It makes me happy that I really like these people in my house. Don’t tell them I said so, but I don’t mind being quarantined with them.

Lord, thank you for the joy of simple things. A warm shower, homemade brownies, a long walk, rich conversation. Thank you for the greatest joy -- of loving and being loved. And thank you that hair grows back. Amen.

Thanks for the Memory, COVID-19

Thanks for the Memory, COVID-19

