Enjoy Saturday

Enjoy Saturday

Taking a cue from Chandler today.

 I wrote about this before, but it's worth repeating. Over and over.

 One Saturday when the kids were young, I wrote out on a whiteboard in the kitchen everyone's designated chores. When I came downstairs to check on their progress, Chandler had erased his assignment and replaced it with "Enjoy Saterday."

 I woke up today with essentially a blank slate.  This state of affairs tends to be anxiety-provoking rather than invigorating for me. I have to make the right choices about what to do today or else I will face one of two undesirable outcomes. 1) I will miss the chance to mark some things off my "list of things to do when I get the time." OR 2) Even worse, I will miss the opportunity to accomplish something that could change the course of my life and all civilization because I made a poor choice on May 1, 2021.

 Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's how my mind works. The dialogue never ends. It is exhausting.

 The one thing I must do today is make sure Blu, who was spayed yesterday, doesn't lick or bite her incisions. The bigger issue is turning out to be her zest for life. The anesthesia wore off during the night, and I awoke to Charli yelling, "Mom, Blu won't stop jumping!" I'll admit, anesthesia definitely made Blu a more well-behaved pup. Maybe I could just sprinkle a tad bit on her food each morning?

 So that means we won't be going to the dog park or for a long walk today.

 And I won't be working on my book First, Brush Your Teeth today because I'm waiting for some specific feedback from my publisher before proceeding.

 Chip is out of town, and Charli is coaching all day.

 I could spend the day sitting outside on my swing watching the pups doze and play while I am entertained by my friends Audible and Kindle.

 It would probably be a good idea to clean house. So there's that.

 I'm going to follow the Chandler way.

 Today I choose to stop overthinking and just enjoy the moments of this day, whatever they bring.

 I'm thinking I may turn on my very danceable housecleaning playlist and scrub toilets and hug puppies and have homemade leftover vegetable soup and search the internet for silly things like "best eyeshadow for mature eyes" and hop on my Pilates reformer for a workout. After throwing my last cleaning rag in the laundry room at the end of the day, I will probably crack open an ice-cold kombucha.

 And if something comes up that thwarts my loosely laid plans, I will go with it.

 I think Chandler would approve.

ENJOY your Saturday!!!






Termites, Ear Mites, and Good Friday

Termites, Ear Mites, and Good Friday