More Favorite Things

More Favorite Things

Four years ago, I had the most handsome dance partner with the best moves on the floor. Chandler and I danced almost every dance at our friend’s wedding. Facebook reminded me of that yesterday. Dancing…one of my favorite things.

Today I got to do another one of my favorite things – watch Charli do one of her favorite things. Her team won! She scored and had an overall great game. To say my daughter much prefers winning over losing it to put it in the mildest terms possible. Chip and I, along with Aunt Cho, Ellen, Chase and Karen were in the stands celebrating the win. We all went to lunch at Selma’s after the game. Those are the best times. Another of my favorite things.

I exercised some prophylactic measures with regard to my foot today after learning my lesson at yesterday’s game. Too much heat and walking made for a swollen, throbbing foot last night. So today, I wrapped a handy dandy ice pack around my foot to keep it cool during the game.

Tomorrow, if all goes well, my podiatrist will tell me I can wear an athletic shoe. Not a particularly sexy development, but after a Frankenstein boot this past month, even my Birkenstocks are looking pretty edgy.

This foot recovery period has me rethinking some things. For one, typically, when I’m outside moving my body, I’m running or doing some kind of interval training. In other words, I’m kind of on a mission to work out. I think all this forced immobility has bred in me a deep appreciation for the simplicity of walking. Right now I’m envisioning a peaceful, relaxed stroll around the lake. I’m even toying with the idea of adding a walking meditation to my morning routine.

Another thing I want to add into my life once I’m all healed up…more dancing. Yesterday’s Facebook memory with my sweet boy reminded me that dancing is one of my happiest happy places. And it was one of Chandler’s. So why wouldn’t I do it?

Walking and dancing. Two things I’m really looking forward to.

But first…enjoy this moment.

Today’s Chandler-ness:
8/10/97 -
Chandler: Mom, did your grandma die?
Me: Yes.
Chandler: We need to go buy you a new one.

Timely Reminder

Timely Reminder

Passion for Liberty

Passion for Liberty