Timely Reminder

Timely Reminder

I woke up to exactly what I needed today. My friend Gail texted:
I was at the Michael W. Smith concert tonight…prayed for you when this came on!!!!

Along with the text was a video of the first few seconds of Surrounded (Fight My Battles).

Gail sent me this song soon after Chandler died, but I just couldn’t listen. Finally, this summer, I clicked the arrow.

This is how I fight my battles
It may look like I’m surrounded
But I’m surrounded by you.

Just 18 words over and over, but the simplicity of their truth penetrated my heart. I wept and prayed and knew…this was my way through. Surrounded by almighty God. Loving. Strong. Gracious.

The timing for this morning’s text was perfect. I clicked and cried. I needed this reminder — my battles are fought through prayer, through surrender, through praise, through trust.

Though grief itself is not an enemy, I feel as if I’m standing at the edge of a battlefield. One of Cambridge Dictionary’s definitions for “battle” is: an encounter or engagement between opposing forces. Hope versus despair. Joy versus anguish. Trust versus fear. In the weeks to come, I will likely experience each of these. That is perfectly normal. By the grace of God and for His glory…hope, joy, and trust will prevail. That is my prayer.

Today’s Chandler-ness:
1/6/99 - Did you know I have a mask I wear that makes me cute? I put it on every day, and at night I take it off.



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