Stream in the Desert

Stream in the Desert

Isaiah 35:5-7 Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.

Today’s hike took us from a trail head of dry, dusty terrain to a palm tree-lined oasis —a sparkling stream surrounded by towering rock formations. We kept saying, “This is crazy! Who knew this was in the middle of the desert!?”

When you’re in the middle of a desert, it seems impossible for any form of life to flourish. But if you know where to look, there it is. A stream coursing through the parched earth. Near the stream, green trees. Tiny wriggling tadpoles. Colorful flowers. Endless vines. The power of the water explodes as it squeezes through the rocks and bursts into an open cave below.

The water is life. It is sustenance. And it is available where you would never expect it —in the middle of a desert.

If you had told me six months ago that I could find life and sustenance if I ever lost a child, I would have wanted to believe it. I may have even said, “Yes, I know God will always be with me, no matter what circumstances may come.” But that’s before I lost Chandler.

Now I know. I know there is a stream in this desert. The presence of God, His tender love, his provision, the countless ways He just keeps showing up for me.

God, you are my stream in this desert. You are my life.

36 Years

36 Years

Adventure Day One

Adventure Day One