Everywhere I Look

Everywhere I Look

Today started with a quick run, then Chip and i drove to Oceanside to join friends in their condo right on the beach. I lounged in the sand, taking in the roar of the waves and the sight of the white foam rolling in. And I slept for a bit. Decided to stroll down the beach, then came in for homemade gourmet burgers topped with roasted red pepper and goat cheese. One of the best burgers I’ve ever had in my life.

After lunch, we went for a bike ride along the beach and the harbor. That was absolutely heavenly!

We saw some guys jumping on those bungie cord things they hang between trees these days. One guy did a flip on the cord. I said, “That would have been Chandler.”

Some days, thoughts of Chandler are more prevalent than others. I never know until I arrive at a day what it will be. Maybe because Chandler loved the beach so much, I seemed to see him everywhere I looked today. In the little boy with the extra-large yellow t-shirt raising his arms to be picked up by his dad, in the bungie flipping guy, in the tattooed young man riding his skateboard along the sidewalk.

It has been an emotional couple of weeks, beginning with July 1. My time in nature has fed my soul and helped me stay centered — trees, lakes, mountains and now waves and sand.

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to be in places that fill me up. You created such beauty, and it is exactly what I need.

Tonight’s Chandler-ness:
Circa 2007 - Sauntering into the kitchen as he looks down at his pants and makes a brand new discovery - Mom, did you ever notice, I look good in jeans?!



Table for Six

Table for Six