Every Single Morning

Every Single Morning

Tonight I watched the sun set from a lounge chair by the pool in Palm Springs where I am absolutely digging the 100-degree weather. As the glow of orange slowly disappeared from view, I thought, “It will be brand new tomorrow…a brand new sunrise.”

With every sunrise comes a whole new day filled with the mercies of God. New mercies. A fresh supply.

It never really hit me like that. Maybe because right now, I am in need of all the mercies, old and new. My heart felt encouraged by this sunset reminder that every day is a new opportunity to welcome God’s presence into my life, to watch for His hand at work, to be unconditionally loved by Him.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Tonight’s Chandler-ness:
6-13-96 Chandler, today at breakfast you were eating yogurt and you said, “Let’s pretend this is sunscreen.” You were rubbing it all over yourself.

No Accident

No Accident

Lead Me....

Lead Me....