Surf Cup and Stomach Woes

Surf Cup and Stomach Woes

Surf Cup Summer 2019 — Charli’s last. Today it was a treat to watch her play once again with her friend Nicki. They started out together at seven years old in AYSO and have played together on two club teams through the years. This year they are back together, and we get to watch them on the field as seniors.

I can’t tell you how much I love watching my girl play the game she fell in love with at five years old. I remember going to sign her up for the youngest age group AYSO offered. They told us that unless they had some parents volunteer to coach, not all the girls would get to play. I had not one inkling about the game of soccer, so of course, I volunteered, went to the coaching clinic, and received my team roster. We were assigned the ugliest colors ever — peach and green (no offense to anyone who has hung onto that home color scheme since the 80s). Since the matching team hair bows at that age are of primary importance, I went to every fabric and craft store within miles trying to find the right putrid peach and dull forest green to match the uniforms. We decided to call ourselves the Peach Panthers.

I gave the Peach Panthers three jobs: 1) Don’t share the ball with the other team. 2) Be nice to each other. 3) Kick the ball into a goal. Charli did all three jobs. Especially #1 and #3.

I wish I could say the day was all about awesome soccer. Unfortunately, I had a yogurt this morning and a coffee (decaf!) before the first game, and one or both of them hated me. We went to lunch with Aunt Cho who had come to watch Charli play, and by the time we were finished, my stomach was saying mean things to me. When we got back to the field for game two, I was hurting so badly, I curled up in a ball on the grass. The stabbing pains were not too unlike the early to mid stages of labor contractions. I asked Chip and Cho to go buy me some Imodium, having experienced its magic a couple of times in the past.

I had two huge strikes against me during today’s gastric distress — port-a-potties and a romper that criss-crossed, threaded through a loop, and tied in back, pretty much requiring a support team to get it back on after going potty. Thankfully, the ONLY thing that ultimately happened today were severe stomach cramps. But because I had no way of knowing that was going to be the case, I spent the entire 45 minutes that it took Cho and Chip to fetch my magic pills in a hot port-a-potty. On the up side, for 45 minutes I was shielded from dangerous sun exposure.

Probably the smartest thing to do after an insane stomachache is to eat Sidecar gourmet donuts that you find on the kitchen table when you get home. I’m currently laid out on the couch avoiding all unnecessary movement.

If I’m being honest, the Sidecar donuts were worth it.

Today’s Chandler-ness:
1-20-97 - Are I’m not little any more, Mom?

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