Stuff That Matters

Stuff That Matters

More soccer today and lunch at the Beach Hut in Oceanside beforehand. The avocado toast — so yummy! Avocado, sunflower seeds, lemon, sprouts, tomato, wholewheat bread, feta cheese. Will be copying this at home.

Stomach still not totally happy with me, but no extended time in the port-a-potty and no curling up in a ball on the field.

Charli’s team is moving on to semi-finals, so we have to leave at 6:10 in the morning to get to Oceanside. You can imagine how much I love that.

So tonight I had a choice. Chance was home, and we started talking about stuff that matters to us and about which we don’t claim to know the answers. I could have ended the conversation and written my blog. Or we could continue fleshing out the nuances of our thinking. I chose the latter.

I’ve got to get in bed because I will already have a predisposition toward grumpiness at 6 am. At least I can mitigate it somewhat by getting a decent night’s sleep.

Thank you, God, for the joy of family time today, of watching Charli play her heart out, of delicious food, of rich conversation with Chance that makes me so proud of who he is. I know 6 am will come early…please fool my body into thinking it’s 8! Amen.

Vague Isn't an Option

Vague Isn't an Option

Surf Cup and Stomach Woes

Surf Cup and Stomach Woes