

Tonight my friend and I went to a gathering called Night of Worship at a little place up the road called Saddleback Church. Once again…tears. So many tears. This time I didn’t even begin to try and dissect — worship? grief? gratitude?

Maybe when it’s offered up to God the best way I know how, all of it is worship.

I have long resisted the notion that worship is the time in church on Sunday when everyone sings hymns and other songs together. Or even that the church service itself is the epitome of worship. Certainly, one expression of worship is singing songs of reverence and adoration to God. There is a sense of encouragement and soul nourishment that happens in such times. Paradoxically, as we acknowledge and worship a power greater than ourselves through song, we step into a new realm of empowerment. That’s not the point, however. Whether we ever felt encouraged or inspired or any other kind of positive outcome, God would still be God and worthy of honor.

To me, the greater demonstration of worship most often happens in the nitty gritty of everyday life. When honoring God requires more than singing a song with a bunch of other people who are singing along. When it requires the humility to say, “I was wrong.” The perseverance to say, “I won’t give up.” The grace to say, “I forgive you.” The courage to say, “Enough!” The generosity to say, “Here, take mine.”

Every single day presents us with new opportunities to worship God. I am grateful tonight for the opportunity to show up with hundreds of other folks to sing songs that honor God in the midst of my nitty gritty. People who, like me, are just offering it all up the best they know how.



Never Another Tear

Never Another Tear